The Eleventh Doctor

The Eleventh Doctor, portrayed by Matt Smith from 2010 until 2013, was wibbly and wobbly, a marvellous dancer and a bowtie aficionado. Introducing the reign of Steven Moffatt, this Doctor was not only among the best, but also had the honour of reigning until the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. We’re just rounding off our reviews of the Eleventh Doctor serials on the Who Back When podcast.
A dinosaur appears in 1890’s London, and that’s not even the weirdest thing Capaldi must investigate in his debut adventure as the Twelfth Doctor
Bow ties ARE cool. We discuss Matt Smith’s run as The Eleventh Doctor.
Eleven returns for a last hurrah replete with wooden Cybermen and naked Twister before his inevitable regeneration
Three Classic Doctors execute an elaborate plan to infiltrate the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who
The Tenth, Eleventh and War Doctor battle Daleks, smooch a Zygon and seemingly prove that the gun is mightier than the pen in this glorious Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special
The Great Intelligence employs those chaps from Buffy and a Back-To-The-Future letter to lure The Doctor to Trenzalore
Inconsistently modernised Cybermen and a wax statue of Matthew Broderick
Doc investigates trouble at mill and gets marinated by a prehistoric leech in a Yorkshire red light district
Time Zombies, a not-quite-paranoid-enough android and a big friendly button
A seemingly haunted house, a Metabilis-3 crystal and creepy Cronenbergs all add to the ambiance