Amy Pond
The girl who waited, Amy Pond was the daring, gung-ho companion of the Doctor. Among her defining characteristics are severe daddy-issues and the worst — THE WORST! — marital morality in the Whoniverse. Seriously, she tried to cheat on poor Rory the night before their wedding!
Bow ties ARE cool. We discuss Matt Smith’s run as The Eleventh Doctor.
Eleven returns for a last hurrah replete with wooden Cybermen and naked Twister before his inevitable regeneration
A giant demon statue that no one notices, a paradox hotel and an easily avoidable companion farewell.
A helmet-less Vader, Trojan Horse cubes and one of our favourite fan theories to date!
A Robocop prequel unfolds as The Doctor turns innocent bystanders into human shields to protect a fellow war criminal
Dalek zombies, vegan-friendly soufflés and Democracy of the Daleks!
The Man Who Fell To Earth teams up with Mother Christmas
River marries a robot and pterodactyls prefer sandwiches in this timey-wimey romp!