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Our next Classic Who Review Nope, all done Recording: Soon! Dropping: Soon!
Our next New Who Review Empire of Death Recording: 22 Aug 2024 Dropping: 1 Sep 2024
Our next Audio Who Review TBC Recording: Soon! Dropping: Soon!
Our next Bonus Episode 15th Doctor & RTD2: series 14 retrospective Recording: Soon! Dropping: Soon!

At the heart of Who Back When is a Doctor Who Review Podcast (some would say “Doc-Past”) that began way back in 2013. On it, we review, discuss, debate, rate and praise and/or poke holes in every single Doctor Who episode, Classic and New, as well as cons, comics, audiobooks and more!

Thanks to the podcast we’ve had the privilege of getting to know many, many fabulous Whovians around the world, and many of them are talented, savvy and insightful writers. Check out the Blog to read their works! And if you’d like to join their ranks, just get in touch and we’ll talk. Now go explore the site, you!

More about Who Back When here.

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The Visual Index (aka Vindex) grows each time we encounter an alien, robot, an actual person or people from Earth's history, or a new companion or *dum-dum-duuuum... nemesis.

Get your Zygon suckers on this sweet Merch!

Check out our Redbubble shop where you can slap some bodacious Who Back When designs on everything from mugs and tees to phone covers and frickin’ clocks for your wall! Seriously, imagine having a Doc-Past tell time!

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Quick, there's no time to waste! Let your friends, acquaintances, relatives, fellow travellers, arch-nemeses, employees, blood brothers, lovers, significant others, better halves, deputees, partners in crime, clones and/or on-board computer AIs know what they're missing. Post your approval of Who Back When on your social networking wall of choice!