Time Lords
The Time Lords of Gallifrey need no introduction, surely! Capable of regeneration (sometimes more than) 12 times for a total of 13 lives across potentially thousands of years, The Time Lords harnessed the power of the Eye of Harmony to grant them dominion over nature as over time. Most famous among them, arguably, is of course The Doctor.
The Mummy Returns, The Serpent is the Plain Foe, and Indiyaza Jones and the Candle of Tomb
Doctor Who is Redacted and we’re told Doc was The Chosen One all along
The Valeyard’s true identity revealed, a surprise Master appearance, and a trial finale that would not hold up in court
A WHO-dunnit with provocative space plants that flounders a little in the mystery department
Apparently there’s just one place in all of Gloucester that sells coffee
Entirely different mind transplant technologies and Chekhov’s waisted stinger
The Doctor, The Valeyard and The Inquisitor sit down to MST3K a great episode of Doctor Who
A freshly regenerated Sixth Doctor arises discombobulated and edgy, but altogether more abusive and homicidal in this rarely lauded serial
Lord Buckethead attempts to bond with Doc’s molecules, but a surprise Colin Baker totally steals the show
An undead companion gets a shot at a spinoff and all life in the universe may or may not pay the price for it