The Ninth Doctor

One-season-wonder, the Ninth Doctor was portrayed by Christopher Eccleston when NewWho first came out in 2005 and made a splash as the crazy, zany, fun and PTSD-suffering Time Lord. We would have loved to have seen him in more seasons!
The Tenth, Eleventh and War Doctor battle Daleks, smooch a Zygon and seemingly prove that the gun is mightier than the pen in this glorious Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special
The Great Intelligence employs those chaps from Buffy and a Back-To-The-Future letter to lure The Doctor to Trenzalore
After reviewing Eccleston’s run as the 9th Doctor, we sat down to discuss the highlights and low-points of Series 1 of the Doctor Who revival.
Rose is her own Deus Ex Machina, Jackie cashes in a dodgy favour, and we bid farewell to the 9th Doctor.
The Doc escapes from the Big Brother House, Rose knows basic arithmetics, and Captain Jack has an ass-gun.
The Doctor has dinner with the enemy, Mickey wants to cheat on his girlfriend, and no one seems to object to Cardiff Castle being demolished.
Doc has no rhythm, Jack has great taste in cocktails, and aliens can’t distinguish bio matter from plastic.
A creepy child telekinetically controls toy monkeys and makes gas masks grow out of people’s faces, and we meet Captain Jack for the first time!
Rose rescues her dead dad; Jackie is immortal; and in the end we forget that our hero is a cheating, lying, lousy husband.
The Doc robs a cash machine; Rose drinks a cup of beef; and Adam proves he’s a prick by getting a hole drilled into his forehead.