The Eleventh Doctor

The Eleventh Doctor, portrayed by Matt Smith from 2010 until 2013, was wibbly and wobbly, a marvellous dancer and a bowtie aficionado. Introducing the reign of Steven Moffatt, this Doctor was not only among the best, but also had the honour of reigning until the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. We’re just rounding off our reviews of the Eleventh Doctor serials on the Who Back When podcast.
The Doctor doesn’t know CPR in this pseudo-prequel to The Smugglers
Our heroes draw reminders in places they can’t see without a mirror, telepathic beepers are manually operated, and River goes full-on John Woo
The gang goes to The States where Nixon’s a pretty nice guy and there are creepy Men in Black in the Ladies’ Room.
The Doctor makes a refrigerated woman spend her last remaining days of life with two complete strangers in this Christmas Special
Having just reviewed Series 5 of NewWho, we sat down to share some of our opinions and impressions of Matt Smith’s inaugural season as The Doctor.
The Lone Centurion, star cults, a petrified Dalek and the universe rebooted? This episode prompted some of the most heated debates on WBW yet!
An epic romp and the episode that should have been called “Just let it go to voicemail”
The Eleventh Doctor interrupts some Pizza, Booze, Telly in this incredibly polarising episode of NewWho