The Eleventh Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor, portrayed by Matt Smith from 2010 until 2013, was wibbly and wobbly, a marvellous dancer and a bowtie aficionado. Introducing the reign of Steven Moffatt, this Doctor was not only among the best, but also had the honour of reigning until the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. We’re just rounding off our reviews of the Eleventh Doctor serials on the Who Back When podcast.
A submarine’s under siege in this reimagining of Brendan Fraser’s “Encino Man”
A space girl fails to hit the apocalyptic snooze button and only Clara’s backstory can save the day
Definitely-not-a-monk invites newish companion Clara Oswald into his snog box
Mary Poppins moonlights as Eliza Doolittle and The Great Intelligence feeds countless labourers to his carnivorous snowmen
Just A Quick Pre-Christmas-Special-Christmas-Prequels-May-Christmas Chat
A giant demon statue that no one notices, a paradox hotel and an easily avoidable companion farewell.
A helmet-less Vader, Trojan Horse cubes and one of our favourite fan theories to date!
A Robocop prequel unfolds as The Doctor turns innocent bystanders into human shields to protect a fellow war criminal
Dalek zombies, vegan-friendly soufflés and Democracy of the Daleks!