
Reptilian civilisation (Homo Reptilia) that used to roam the Earth and escaped below ground when it became uninhabitable. Accidentally awoken by humans drilling deep down, the Silurians have since occasionally butted heads with mankind for dominance over the planet.
Die Hard meets Jurassic Park meets Johnny Mnemonic in this Underwater Base Under Siege
A dinosaur appears in 1890’s London, and that’s not even the weirdest thing Capaldi must investigate in his debut adventure as the Twelfth Doctor
The Great Intelligence employs those chaps from Buffy and a Back-To-The-Future letter to lure The Doctor to Trenzalore
Mary Poppins moonlights as Eliza Doolittle and The Great Intelligence feeds countless labourers to his carnivorous snowmen
Just A Quick Pre-Christmas-Special-Christmas-Prequels-May-Christmas Chat
River marries a robot and pterodactyls prefer sandwiches in this timey-wimey romp!
The Centurion returns, River Song drops a massive spoiler and bowties are infinitely preferable to monastic neckties.
An epic romp and the episode that should have been called “Just let it go to voicemail”
Snoring Silurians, unauthorised Earth ambassadors and the (temporary) deletion of Rory Williams