
Davros was a Kaled scientist obsessed with the creation of the next step in their evolution. At war with fellow Skaro species, the Thals, he felt that the Kaleds needed to adapt to the radiation and harsh circumstances of their ever-more-damaged world. Consequently, he made hate-filled squid monsters and plonked them into miniature tanks, and thus was born the Dalek race.
Davros soufflés the venerable dead and Soylent-Greens the rest while an annoying DJ provides the narration
Dalek helmets, Time Corridon’ts and about fifty different plots coalesce in this terrible/wonderful companion exit serial
Doctor Dodgems, a Davros Zinger and Reverse-Shawshanking through Dalek Scatacombs
Doc’s night out in Essex is cut short as we’re treated to the origin story of one of the greatest nemeses of Doctor Who
Wait. Romana regenerates willy-nilly, Davros is immortal and Daleks are just robots?
Having watched and discussed all of the Tenth Doctor episodes, we hereby contemplate the highs and lows of not only the David Tennant era, but of an epoch defined by Russell T Davies
The Doctor abandons Rose with a genocidal Donna in Tennant-form and there’s no sign of The Shadow Proclamation anywhere!
Companions and spin-offs collide when Davros and his new race of Daleks transport the Earth far across the universe