
A Time Lord’s best friend, K-9 was the robotic canine — Get it? — companion of The Doctor’s, travelling with The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Doctors, until eventually he reappeared alongside The Tenth, was blown up, reassembled and dumped all over again to instead embark on some Sarah Jane Adventures.
Four-and-a-bit Doctors battle Cybers, a chap in silver spandex and a Time Lord conspiracy in the 20th Anniversary Special
Statler and Waldorf provide running commentary on Paw Patrol’s continued enslavement in a serial that sees the departure of two (!) companions
Doc and Romana team up with the single-greatest comb-over in E-Space to battle a Big Daddy Vampire
Cavemen and spiders attack in droves, but all the Lost Boys can think about is giant melons
A sentient cactus possesses an accountant delivered by space pirates to impersonate The Doctor
Doc does a lot of maturing while Romana shares the gift of immortality with a bunch of cornetto hairdos
Creative disarray, an abundance of tea, and a ball bag are but some of the treats on offer in this legendary unfinished serial
Romana and The Doc join Space Theseus in a Space Labyrinth to help prevent an invasions of Space Minotaurs
When two spaceships are dimensionally fused, Team TARDIS must battle monsters that turn into cocaine when electrocuted
On a planet with a dysfunctional economy, Doc and Romana encounter Hagrids, a back-stabbing Golden Girl and a giant, vegetarian space phallus