Wilfred Mott

Charming, charismatic, bumbling, kind-hearted, heroic graddad of Donna Noble (through no fault of his own), Wildred “Wilf” Mott travelled with the Doctor on many an adventure. He was portrayed by the legendary Bernard Cribbins on screen, and by our very own Roarmeister in the ‘Operation Pandorica’ audio drama.
Tennant is back, inexplicably yet fabulously, prompting a customary, cocktail-fuelled retrospective
The Toymaker temporarily relinquishes his confounding mock-German accent while lip-syncing to Spice Girls in Stark Tower for the conclusion of the 60th Anniversary Specials
DnD return for Midnight 2.0 in perhaps the most corridory episode of Doctor Who
In the final part of Operation Pandorica, the adventure reaches its crescendo as the forces of good and evil all converge on our heroes.
In Part 3 of Operation Pandorica, Eileen makes new friends, Wilf and Rory gain an ally, and Braceface takes the plunge.
In Part 2 of Operation Pandorica, Eileen is headhunted for The War Office, Wilf goes to make peace with Rory, and an old foe rolls through town.
In Part 1 of our very first Doctor Who Audio Adventure, we meet Wilfred Mott, Eileen Dover and Rory the Roman during the London Blitz.
Having watched and discussed all of the Tenth Doctor episodes, we hereby contemplate the highs and lows of not only the David Tennant era, but of an epoch defined by Russell T Davies
Far too many farewells pepper The Tenth Doctor’s long-awaited yet sadly poor departure.
The Master returns with a ridiculous plot to end life on Earth as we know it, and even Barack Obama shakes his head at this one.