Primitive aliens with no concept of technology or judicial proceedings want to join a galactic federation in this allegory of Britain’s entry into the EEC
Having watched and discussed all of the Tenth Doctor episodes, we hereby contemplate the highs and lows of not only the David Tennant era, but of an epoch defined by Russell T Davies
Temporal paradoxes, vintage wines and the coolest tricycle chase ever!
Far too many farewells pepper The Tenth Doctor’s long-awaited yet sadly poor departure.
The Master returns with a ridiculous plot to end life on Earth as we know it, and even Barack Obama shakes his head at this one.
The Master summons homicidal Morris Dancers, a Daemon and a gargoyle with a spring in his step to grant him godlike powers, and obviously everything goes wrong.
Who Back When just turned Four Standard-Earth-Years Young!
Grown men wet themselves as the Doctor summons the Time Lord Victorious and introduces the concept of fixed points in time
It’s Space Pocahontas, but with lubed-up wrists, tear-away paper calendars and mud wrestling!
Marie recently joined Who Back When, and we herewith finally sit down to introduce her to you, Podcastland!