The Tenth Doctor

The Tenth Doctor was played by David Tennant (2005-1010) as a heart-throb, emo hipster, and described by the WBW-gang as a galactic lothario (though perhaps in less delicate terms). The guy had a number of companions. Really, he got through them like hotcakes. We loved his interplay with Rose, though, until we didn’t.
A glorious reunion with three Smiths, two tin dogs, and genetically modified gargoyles who are allergic to their own oil.
Scottish Kung-Fu monks, Queen Victoria, and a werewolf that isn’t a werewolf. Ok, then.
Doc and Rose see a familiar face each, and then square off against cat-nun-nurses and a horde of gross zombies
Tennant’s first proper episode as The Doctor, in which he sleeps a lot, Rose is inconsistent and aliens rock!
Rose is her own Deus Ex Machina, Jackie cashes in a dodgy favour, and we bid farewell to the 9th Doctor.
Has it been half a century already? I joined über-fans Gina and JD to chat about the con, cosplay, panel talks and The Night/Day of the Doctor.