The Second Doctor
Portrayed by Patrick Troughton between 1966 and 1969, as well as in a few Multi-Doc specials, The Second Doctor was a disheveled, witty and fun-loving chap who was a dear friend of his companions and a fan of playing the recorder.
A Karl Marx lookalike delivers spiffing technobabble while time travel goes straight down the drain in this senseless yet hugely compelling serial.
Aliens commit identity theft and wield foreign stamps in Ben and Polly’s final serial
Coffee breaks, national stereotypes and some classic 60s sexism are the cornerstones of this classic Cybermen serial
The lost city of Atlantis, fish people, and a mad scientist who ISN’T The Doctor
The Doctor pretends to be German, disguises himself as an old lady and commits fraud in soon-to-be-a-companion Jamie’s first ever serial
Multiplying Daleks and surveillance fruit on the planet Vulcan? I’m in.
Cybermen make their first appearance on Doctor Who, and William Hartnell his last (for a while), in this legendary classic serial.
Has it been half a century already? I joined über-fans Gina and JD to chat about the con, cosplay, panel talks and The Night/Day of the Doctor.