The Fifth Doctor
The Fifth Doctor, portrayed by Peter Davison from 1981 to 1984, was a happy-go-lucky chap and expert bowler (that’s cricket, mind) with a stick of celery tucked in his lapel and question marks on his collar. He’d return for specials, including in the Children In Need one with Tennant
It’s the end of an era as Doc is joined by old friends and selves to save the world one last time before she regenerates
Two wildly different milestone stories, neither canonical, one rather pants, the other quite amazing. All right, here we go!
What? What?! WHAT?! We sat down to discuss Jodie Whittaker’s final adventure as The Thirteenth Doctor mere moments after watching it unfold on TV
A trilogy of cybertronic audio adventures meanders towards a decline and we can’t help but object to the fate of two legendary Classic companions
We pour one out for the Fifth Doctor and reminisce about some of the highs and lows of his marvellous era
Leather-bound Phantom of the Mope-era wages an android war against bat-shit crazy Space Bezos
A companion switch, far too many people in shorts, and the Brotherhood of Sarn
Dalek helmets, Time Corridon’ts and about fifty different plots coalesce in this terrible/wonderful companion exit serial
Doc discovers a grave situation below the surface, Tegan is a defective android and Turlough exhibits some OTT PTSD. It’s great!