Vislor Turlough

We pour one out for the Fifth Doctor and reminisce about some of the highs and lows of his marvellous era
A companion switch, far too many people in shorts, and the Brotherhood of Sarn
Dalek helmets, Time Corridon’ts and about fifty different plots coalesce in this terrible/wonderful companion exit serial
Doc discovers a grave situation below the surface, Tegan is a defective android and Turlough exhibits some OTT PTSD. It’s great!
Die Hard meets Jurassic Park meets Johnny Mnemonic in this Underwater Base Under Siege
Four-and-a-bit Doctors battle Cybers, a chap in silver spandex and a Time Lord conspiracy in the 20th Anniversary Special
Who set up this boat race? What happened to any of the participants? Did Doc know all along? We require enlightenment!
Three wasted pincers, not how levers work, and Splinter King-Kongs Nyssa before she inexplicably exits the show