Martha Jones
Martha Jones was the not-super-charismatic trainee Doctor who travelled with Tennant’s Tenth Doctor. One of few companions whose family we got to meet as well, Martha eventually ended up being a badass working for Torchwood, wearing all-black and toting automatic weapons. She also once walked the Earth, like Cain in ‘Kung Fu’.
Having watched and discussed all of the Tenth Doctor episodes, we hereby contemplate the highs and lows of not only the David Tennant era, but of an epoch defined by Russell T Davies
Far too many farewells pepper The Tenth Doctor’s long-awaited yet sadly poor departure.
The Doctor abandons Rose with a genocidal Donna in Tennant-form and there’s no sign of The Shadow Proclamation anywhere!
Companions and spin-offs collide when Davros and his new race of Daleks transport the Earth far across the universe
The Tenth Doctor mothers the short-lived fruit of his loins following his arm being raped by newborn soldiers fighting fish people without a backstory.
It’s The Clone Wars but with a baked potato planet and a nuclear weapons Tinder app.
A maniacal not-quite-Zuckerberg-or-Hugo-Drax-clone creates killer TomToms and hotboxes the elderly
The episode that introduces The Master we deserved, desired and in the end were denied (oops, spoilers)