Bonus Episodes

Podcast B088 Tenth (10th!!) Anniversary Bloopers

Sweet Buttery Kablammos, we’ve been DocPasting for a decade!!!

Podcast B087 The Sixth Doctor Retrospective

A heartfelt look back at the highs and lows of the fabulous Colin Baker’s run as The Sixth Doctor

Podcast B086 The 2023 New Year’s Bloopers

Happy New Year, Podcastland! OMG, it’s 2023, the year we catch up!

Podcast B084 Predictions of the Power of the Doctor

Half an hour of uninformed, exuberant rambling about what The Power of The Doctor MIGHT be about

Podcast B083 NewToWhoBackWhen, Part 2 (aka NewTwoWhoBackWhen)

It’s the long-awaited continuation of Whovian bants with Steven of New To Who Fame!

Podcast B082 NewToWhoBackWhen, Part 1

Steven of New To Who fame popped round Oxford for a couple of days and a lot of Whovian bants ensued

Podcast B081 The 400th Episode ReWhonion

Seven of eight hosts from across nine years of Who Back When assembled for our 400th Episode to discuss the State of the Whonion

Podcast B080 Ninth Anniversary Blooper Reel

Join us for some celebratory bloopers, Podcastland!

Podcast B079 The Fifth Doctor Retrospective > > > > > >

We pour one out for the Fifth Doctor and reminisce about some of the highs and lows of his marvellous era