Weeping Angels
Static, seemingly harmless, stone statues whenever you look at them, but creepy, lightning-fast monsters with vampire teeth whenever you don’t, the Weeping Angels are prey on your potential. Rather than kill you or feast on your brains, they send you back in time, harvesting the energy of a life not lived. Whatever you do, don’t blink. (NB: They seem impervious to winking, though.)
We’re thrilled to learn that Doc herself listens to Doctor Who podcasts!
The Mummy Returns, The Serpent is the Plain Foe, and Indiyaza Jones and the Candle of Tomb
Not wholly sensical, but probably the best use of Weeping Angels since Blink!
A temporal clip show that leaves a good few questions unanswered
All in all, yeah, a pretty promising thrill-ride season opener
After Captain Jack breaks Doc out of not-Shada, they team up with the Scoobies for one last adventure as a fam
Too much action, too little plot, or exactly the right measure of either? And what did we think of the Full Metal Jacket Potato? We react instant(ish)ly!
How do you defeat bad Daleks? With worse Daleks, because they’re not so bad.
Eleven returns for a last hurrah replete with wooden Cybermen and naked Twister before his inevitable regeneration
A giant demon statue that no one notices, a paradox hotel and an easily avoidable companion farewell.