The Sixth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor, played by the marvellous Colin Baker 1984-1986, is perhaps often associated with his colourful getup and bad temper. We met Mr Baker at OxCon once, though, and he was absolutely delightful! Looking forward to getting to his serials!
It’s the end of an era as Doc is joined by old friends and selves to save the world one last time before she regenerates
Two wildly different milestone stories, neither canonical, one rather pants, the other quite amazing. All right, here we go!
A heartfelt look back at the highs and lows of the fabulous Colin Baker’s run as The Sixth Doctor
The Valeyard’s true identity revealed, a surprise Master appearance, and a trial finale that would not hold up in court
A WHO-dunnit with provocative space plants that flounders a little in the mystery department
Entirely different mind transplant technologies and Chekhov’s waisted stinger
The Doctor, The Valeyard and The Inquisitor sit down to MST3K a great episode of Doctor Who
What? What?! WHAT?! We sat down to discuss Jodie Whittaker’s final adventure as The Thirteenth Doctor mere moments after watching it unfold on TV
Davros soufflés the venerable dead and Soylent-Greens the rest while an annoying DJ provides the narration
An alien demi-lizard in the future dispatches Blue Man Group androids to kidnap Peri, while exiling non-conformist subjects to 19th century Scotland