Rory Williams

Rory Williams, the man who waited, the lone centurion, possibly the most patient and/or masochistic husband in the Whoniverse. Husband of Amy Pond, nurse, total hero. He also featured in a little Doctor Who Audio Adventure called ‘Operation Pandorica’, which we implore you to check out.
Bow ties ARE cool. We discuss Matt Smith’s run as The Eleventh Doctor.
A giant demon statue that no one notices, a paradox hotel and an easily avoidable companion farewell.
A helmet-less Vader, Trojan Horse cubes and one of our favourite fan theories to date!
A Robocop prequel unfolds as The Doctor turns innocent bystanders into human shields to protect a fellow war criminal
Dalek zombies, vegan-friendly soufflés and Democracy of the Daleks!
The Man Who Fell To Earth teams up with Mother Christmas
River marries a robot and pterodactyls prefer sandwiches in this timey-wimey romp!