
Podcast N181 The Devil’s Chord > > > >

A musical-ish episode with an actually sonic screwdriver, but no real twist at the end

Podcast N178 The Giggle > > > > > > > > > > > >

The Toymaker temporarily relinquishes his confounding mock-German accent while lip-syncing to Spice Girls in Stark Tower for the conclusion of the 60th Anniversary Specials

Podcast C157 Ghost Light > > > >

An evolution-crazed diorama fan with a Neanderthal butler plots to take over the British Empire from his haunted mansion. And, wait, Ace was an arsonist?!

Podcast N162 Can You Hear Me? > > > > >

Well, we would if you’d stop fingering our ears, buddy.

Podcast C128 Enlightenment > > > > > >

Who set up this boat race? What happened to any of the participants? Did Doc know all along? We require enlightenment!

Podcast C126 Mawdryn Undead > > > > > >

Two Bagels, one moustache. Doc & Co are split across time in the first part of the Black Guardian Trilogy

Podcast C103 The Armageddon Factor > > > > > > > > >

Doc and Romana blow up and/or rescue a Space Princess from a Darth-Vader-wannabe on their hunt for the final Horcrux

Podcast C098 The Ribos Operation > > > > > > > >

The Doctor and Romana (I) are tasked by Colonel Sanders to find six horcruxes in this opener to the season-long ‘Key To Time’ arc

Podcast C024 The Celestial Toymaker > > > > >

The Doctor is turned invisible, inaudible and intangible, and Steve and Dodo clown around in this both childish and completely racist serial.