Disco Werewolves, Venusian Karate and yet another Drill-to-The-Centre-of-the-Earth spiel.
It’s a Whovian “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” with bits of “Captain Planet” and tentacle porn. We review the Doctor Who spin-off, CLASS.
A tense, psychological thriller and some terrifically high-concept sci-fi, this is RTD’s Reservoir Dogs in space
More astronaut-cosplaying aliens, palpably inappropriate music, and foreign conspirators from foreign countries
The Runaway Bride finally gets herself a husband and takes care of cookie-cutter kids in Star Trek Generation’s “Nexus”.
A tonne of foreshadowing and a very common courtesy unit, plus the very first appearance of Professor River Song (on our timeline)
U.N.I.T. can’t decide whether to battle Global Warming, a flesh-eating virus, nuclear holocaust, dinosaurs or planet-usurping man-geckos.
The Doctor and Donna crash a party with Agatha Christie, the full cast of Cluedo, a giant wasp and no unicorn