The Eleventh Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor, portrayed by Matt Smith from 2010 until 2013, was wibbly and wobbly, a marvellous dancer and a bowtie aficionado. Introducing the reign of Steven Moffatt, this Doctor was not only among the best, but also had the honour of reigning until the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. We’re just rounding off our reviews of the Eleventh Doctor serials on the Who Back When podcast.
Vincent van Gogh gingerly flirts with Amy Pond while Doc is chased by the space chicken in his godmother’s rearview mirror
Snoring Silurians, unauthorised Earth ambassadors and the (temporary) deletion of Rory Williams
The Doctor toys with a kid’s life and the Silurians return to our screens only to be beaten by a meals-on-wheels van.
Amy and Rory retire to the village that time forgot as they plummet into a cold star
Behold the conclusion to the Weeping Angel double-feature that by its own internal logic should never have occurred in the first place.
Hallucinogenic lipstick, clerics in camouflage and a maze ball. The Weeping Angels must be back!
The Doc helps Winston Churchill defeat Power Ranger Daleks with a Jammie Dodger
The Eleventh Doctor and new companion Amy Pond go up against two-faced civil servants and the ultimate Brexit
A brand new Doctor and his companions-to-be have 20 minutes to save the world from an inter-dimensional fish-snake and the crystalline eyeballs pursuing it