The Podcast (or DocPast)
Zompires, Nicholas Parsons, and the most awkward seduction in Classic Doctor Who
The Mummy Returns, The Serpent is the Plain Foe, and Indiyaza Jones and the Candle of Tomb
An evolution-crazed diorama fan with a Neanderthal butler plots to take over the British Empire from his haunted mansion. And, wait, Ace was an arsonist?!
Inter-dimensional Arthurian warfare, helicopter ear sanitation and a demon’s wet mouth
Not wholly sensical, but probably the best use of Weeping Angels since Blink!
Doc and Ace appear on Ragnarok’s Got Talent and allegedly it’s an allegory of Doctor Who itself
A temporal clip show that leaves a good few questions unanswered
A pluri-temporal tater invasion splinters the fam across history while the baddies provide time stream tech support
Margaret Thatcher’s husband runs away with the baker’s apprentice and the indigenous species receives zero reparations