Doctor Dodgems, a Davros Zinger and Reverse-Shawshanking through Dalek Scatacombs
On a planet with a dysfunctional economy, Doc and Romana encounter Hagrids, a back-stabbing Golden Girl and a giant, vegetarian space phallus
Doc’s night out in Essex is cut short as we’re treated to the origin story of one of the greatest nemeses of Doctor Who
The Doctor and Romana II help an excessively aggressive detective out of his jurisdiction solve an inter-temporal Thomas Crown Affair
We RE-review Capaldi’s very first Christmas Special. Expect special appearances by Dream Logic, Swamp Thing and Hulk Hogan.
We celebrate our seventh year of travelling down this temporal road with you, with the customary Anniversary Bloopies!
After about seven lifetimes as an absentee granddad, The Doctor checks in on Susan in post-Dalek-invasion UK
Wait. Romana regenerates willy-nilly, Davros is immortal and Daleks are just robots?
Doc and Romana blow up and/or rescue a Space Princess from a Darth-Vader-wannabe on their hunt for the final Horcrux