Podcast N075 The Impossible Astronaut > > > > >

The gang goes to The States where Nixon’s a pretty nice guy and there are creepy Men in Black in the Ladies’ Room.

Blog BTR Productions: Darkness Falls

The continuation of events that occurred in the 1996 movie starring Paul McGann, and the true antithesis of what is a correct story arc.

Podcast N074 A Christmas Carol – The 2010 Christmas Special > >

The Doctor makes a refrigerated woman spend her last remaining days of life with two complete strangers in this Christmas Special

Blog *SPOILERS!* The life and episodes of River Song

Ever wonder what the sequence of episodes would look like from River’s perspective? Wonder no more! I’ve compiled her timeline as I understand it, as both an episode guide and summary. Spoilers ahead!

Podcast B043 NewWho Series 5 Retrospective > > >

Having just reviewed Series 5 of NewWho, we sat down to share some of our opinions and impressions of Matt Smith’s inaugural season as The Doctor.

Podcast N073 The Big Bang > > > >

The Lone Centurion, star cults, a petrified Dalek and the universe rebooted? This episode prompted some of the most heated debates on WBW yet!

Blog WBW Tops – Top Ten Missing Doctor Who Serials I Want Animated

Now that we’ve had a full missing Sixties Who story animated, what story should follow it? Here are the Top-10 Missing Classic Doctor Who serials that need to be animated.

Blog For Your Consideration: Look Who’s Talking

R is for the read-thru that keeps you in suspense.
E is for the eye-rolls at each run-on sentence .
GENERATION is for the groups of folks who grew up with this show,
and if I was a better poet this whole thing would rhyme.

Blog 1:47

Staring at this mystery Doctor (and I hope this amuses a few of you) I said, “Who?”