Billed as the longest running Doctor Who fan series DWAD has certainly come a long way since its humble beginnings.
When two spaceships are dimensionally fused, Team TARDIS must battle monsters that turn into cocaine when electrocuted
Doctor Dodgems, a Davros Zinger and Reverse-Shawshanking through Dalek Scatacombs
On a planet with a dysfunctional economy, Doc and Romana encounter Hagrids, a back-stabbing Golden Girl and a giant, vegetarian space phallus
“Iris Wildthyme, is that really you?”
“Woah, there. Settle down lovey, I haven’t even—Doctor?”
Doc’s night out in Essex is cut short as we’re treated to the origin story of one of the greatest nemeses of Doctor Who
“After 9 years, I finally understood what people wanted to see.”
The Doctor and Romana II help an excessively aggressive detective out of his jurisdiction solve an inter-temporal Thomas Crown Affair
Kyle Rath muses poetically about the State of the Whonion in the wilderness twixt Seasons 12 and 13