New Who reviews
It’s The Clone Wars but with a baked potato planet and a nuclear weapons Tinder app.
A maniacal not-quite-Zuckerberg-or-Hugo-Drax-clone creates killer TomToms and hotboxes the elderly
Slavery, Overacting and some Seriously Good Writing in this Cerebral New Who Episode
It’s Volcano Day in Pompeii and Peter Capaldi appears as the pater familias of the Cambridge Latin course while Karen Gillan worships freaking lava monsters!!
Donna’s years of waiting for her favourite genocidal maniac finally come to an end, and half of us rejoice.
Angelic Oddjobs, Kylie and handicap shaming. It must be Christmas!
The episode that introduces The Master we deserved, desired and in the end were denied (oops, spoilers)
We bring out the big guns for our 100th canonical Doctor Who review to talk about an episode that needs no introduction.