Podcast N013 The Parting of the Ways > > > > >

Rose is her own Deus Ex Machina, Jackie cashes in a dodgy favour, and we bid farewell to the 9th Doctor.

Podcast N012 Bad Wolf > > >

The Doc escapes from the Big Brother House, Rose knows basic arithmetics, and Captain Jack has an ass-gun.

Podcast C024 The Celestial Toymaker > > > > >

The Doctor is turned invisible, inaudible and intangible, and Steve and Dodo clown around in this both childish and completely racist serial.

Podcast N011 Boom Town > > > >

The Doctor has dinner with the enemy, Mickey wants to cheat on his girlfriend, and no one seems to object to Cardiff Castle being demolished.

Podcast C023 The Ark > > > >

Dodo dooms mankind with a sneeze; cyclopses lock humans in a security kitchen; and incorporeal creatures sit down in chairs.

Podcast B008 The Peter Capaldi Debut!

Our new Doctor has already started flexing his muscles. Have a listen to our musings on Peter Capaldi’s debut as the Time Lord.

Podcast N010 The Doctor Dances > > > >

Doc has no rhythm, Jack has great taste in cocktails, and aliens can’t distinguish bio matter from plastic.

Podcast N009 The Empty Child > > > >

A creepy child telekinetically controls toy monkeys and makes gas masks grow out of people’s faces, and we meet Captain Jack for the first time!

Podcast C022 The Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Eve > >

In addition to The Doctor, Hartnell plays a different character in this one, who also goes on holiday. And then we get a new, annoying companion.

Podcast A015 Hothouse > >

The Doctor and Lucie battle a rockstar environ-mentalist intent on turning the Earth into a Brussels sprout.