Scottish Kung-Fu monks, Queen Victoria, and a werewolf that isn’t a werewolf. Ok, then.
An allegory about equality acted out by evil guys in blackface and fairly sophisticated cavemen. Also, The Doctor has a vibrator. No lie.
Capaldi’s first Xmas Special, and it’s Alien meets The Thing meets Inception meets Santa… Mind-bending and awesome!
Season’s greetings from Who Back When – ‘Tis the 2014 Xmas Blooper Reel!
Doc and Rose see a familiar face each, and then square off against cat-nun-nurses and a horde of gross zombies
It’s Frankenstein meets The Wolfman meets H.C. Andersen meets Jewish folklore meets aliens, set in Germany. Ok…
Tennant’s first proper episode as The Doctor, in which he sleeps a lot, Rose is inconsistent and aliens rock!
Two Docs get mixed-up; Steven and Dodo are master pianists; and the whole thing is tied together with the most annoying song in the Wild West.
After reviewing Eccleston’s run as the 9th Doctor, we sat down to discuss the highlights and low-points of Series 1 of the Doctor Who revival.