
A Time Lord’s best friend, K-9 was the robotic canine — Get it? — companion of The Doctor’s, travelling with The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Doctors, until eventually he reappeared alongside The Tenth, was blown up, reassembled and dumped all over again to instead embark on some Sarah Jane Adventures.
Wait. Romana regenerates willy-nilly, Davros is immortal and Daleks are just robots?
Doc and Romana blow up and/or rescue a Space Princess from a Darth-Vader-wannabe on their hunt for the final Horcrux
Fembots, swashbuckling and a random Sasquatch. Plus everyone may be an android and we just never find out. What’s not to like about this serial?
Turns out that if you combine Druidic Hammer Horror, Inter-Dimensional SciFi and a Courtroom Drama, you get The Golden Girls
A robot parrot, condensed planets and another piece of The Key To Time… ish. By the left frontal lobe of the sky demon, what a totally bananas serial this is!
The Doctor and Romana (I) are tasked by Colonel Sanders to find six horcruxes in this opener to the season-long ‘Key To Time’ arc
Doc gets crowned president, Gallifrey gets invaded twice, and Leela and K-9 get no goodbye
Jackson and The Argonauts take Team TARDIS to a newly formed, largely green-screen’d planet
Doc, Leela and K-9 lead a proletarian revolution against space capitalists on Pluto who may be in the business of making suns
A loony old trout helps prevent a golden sun goddess from sucking the life out of the world with her Gestalt band of space worms