Yasmin Khan

One of arguably too many companions of the opening TARDIS team of the Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan was a police officer and seemed like a nice person. We got to meet her family — Great! She had tonnes of agency at first — Awesome! But after a while, it’s fair to say we felt that she wasn’t as well-written anymore and that she turned into a gratuitous exposition-machine.
The Doctor’s nemesis returns as a chap with mommy issues conspires with extra-dimensional beings to turn humankind into wifi hard drives!
Dalek Rec doesn’t stand a chance against Chekhov’s combination oven
The tooth fairy returns with an oversimplified god complex and acolytes who don’t seem to realise THEY’RE the creators
A frog convinces the worst dad in Norway to reenact the plot of The Village in an emotionally complex story with a lot of retro-rewrite potential
Will The King’s pricker stand a chance against good old-fashioned Lancashire mud?
The Head of People tears the Heads of Robots in this unexpectedly divisive episode
We learn about the Partition of India, while multi-ocular members of the band Lordi scare the heck out of anyone dying alone.
An overlooked Futurama reference and the literal handwaving of interplanetary navigation whilst wearing marigolds. Not bad!
Mr Big Bad’s new hotel is infested by mutant spiders, and only Sheffield’s sickest grime station can flush them out
A beautiful episode, in which Racist Danny Zuko plots to disrupt the US civil rights movement in possibly the most convoluted way imaginable