
Nardole’s a bit of an oddity, isn’t he? Where is he from? How did he come to travel with The Doctor? Perhaps this bit of copy will need to be revised when we get to his episodes. In any event, clever, resourceful and often cowardly, Nardole travelled with The Twelfth Doctor, providing both assistance and levity in any crisis.

Podcast N144 Twice Upon A Time — The 2017 Christmas Special (re-review) > > > > > > >

Glass Avatars from the future don’t care about Data Privacy Agreements while the first and then-latest Doctor do Timelord Kegels to keep their respective regeneration at bay

Podcast N143 The Doctor Falls > > > > >

The Genius Twins are the least of Bill’s and Doc’s worries in this highly divisive episode

Podcast N142 World Enough and Time > > > >

Bill swaps chips for microchips in the first instalment of a very clever two-parter.

Podcast N141 The Eaters of Light > > > > >

Doc & Co are happy to leave the fate of humanity in the hands of half a dozen childlike primitives with a very limited musical repertoire

Podcast N140 Empress of Mars > > > > >

Noisy Victorian males find sweet Fanny Adams on Mars, until the Ice Queen has a hissy fit

Podcast N139 The Lie of The Land > > > >

Doc needlessly spreads propaganda for the enemy, performs a regeneration fake-out and kills innocent dock workers in the last part of the Monk trilogy

Podcast N138 The Pyramid at the End of the World > > > > >

Love enslaves the day as decomposing despots educate unelected representatives on the merits of consent

Podcast N137 Extremis > > > > >

Doc joins the world’s most depressing bookclub, and where are these scientists getting their dynamite?!

Podcast N136 Oxygen > >

Doc & Co want to breathe new life into space workers rights, but the puffed-up airheads running the head office may disagree

Podcast N135 Knock Knock > > >

Space woodlice should really get their Poirorities straight