Romana II
Statler and Waldorf provide running commentary on Paw Patrol’s continued enslavement in a serial that sees the departure of two (!) companions
Doc and Romana team up with the single-greatest comb-over in E-Space to battle a Big Daddy Vampire
Cavemen and spiders attack in droves, but all the Lost Boys can think about is giant melons
A sentient cactus possesses an accountant delivered by space pirates to impersonate The Doctor
Doc does a lot of maturing while Romana shares the gift of immortality with a bunch of cornetto hairdos
Creative disarray, an abundance of tea, and a ball bag are but some of the treats on offer in this legendary unfinished serial
Romana and The Doc join Space Theseus in a Space Labyrinth to help prevent an invasions of Space Minotaurs
When two spaceships are dimensionally fused, Team TARDIS must battle monsters that turn into cocaine when electrocuted
On a planet with a dysfunctional economy, Doc and Romana encounter Hagrids, a back-stabbing Golden Girl and a giant, vegetarian space phallus
The Doctor and Romana II help an excessively aggressive detective out of his jurisdiction solve an inter-temporal Thomas Crown Affair