No fancy writing this time. I’m just going to give it to you straight up.
Billed as the longest running Doctor Who fan series DWAD has certainly come a long way since its humble beginnings.
I don’t want to embarrass you so I’m writing this in a secret code that only a true Doctor Who fan will understand.
It’s hard to imagine a fan audio drama being worthy of a slot in the actual television series. This story is one of them… after a fashion.
What do you get when you combine an unfortunate name, a simple story and a bunch of concepts and clichés already used multiple times in Doctor Who proper? Well… honestly, something not altogether disastrous.
This is the one with the Bulldog’s danglees, a box that everyone wants into, a MILF of a Wilf, Dalek plunger action, a Monty Python mum, and lots of innuendos. This time they’re not laughing with you, they’re making you laugh. Here we go.
It’s a fan audio production with Cybermen and some decent writing, but maybe give the ending a miss.
The continuation of events that occurred in the 1996 movie starring Paul McGann, and the true antithesis of what is a correct story arc.
An in-depth profile of the fan audio production company, Beyond Traditional Recognition