Rose Tyler

Chavvy and charming in equal measure, Rose Tyler, played by Billie Piper, was the first NewWho companion. She travelled with Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor for a season, then with Tennant’s Tenth Doctor. The two had an epic, interdimensional love story. She was also at one point imbued with TARDIS energy and turned into a very bad wolf.

Podcast N003 The Unquiet Dead > > >

Doc and Rose accidentally materialise in Cardiff and go Ghostbusting with Charles Dickens.

Podcast N002 The End of The World > > > > > > > >

The Doc takes Rose to the End of the World, but there’s no restaurant there.

Podcast N001 Rose > > > >

The doctor gets a facelift and a brand new companion in this opener to the 2005 revival.

Podcast B004 Commentary Track – Rose > > > >

BONUS audio commentary track for ‘Rose’, in which Eccleston is introduced as the Doctor and Rose charms our socks off!