Fan Made

Blog Production Company Profile: Doctor Who Audio Dramas (DWAD)

Billed as the longest running Doctor Who fan series DWAD has certainly come a long way since its humble beginnings.

Blog Season 26B: The Edit, The Myth, The Legend

“There’s something to be said for having a proper series of episodes for the McGann Doctor.”

Blog Sci-Fi Sea Cruise Productions: An Interesting Oddity

Cecilia Doss reviews the star studded Doctor Who fan films of Sci-Fi Sea Cruises

Blog Helis of Micros

Nik finds himself in an unfamiliar place with people who talk of “the Effect” and “drafting”, tracking a mysterious illness that travels the globe. Can Nik, the Doctor and their new friends prevent a cataclysm?

Blog Doctor Who Audio Dramas (195) Masquerade: Four Parts (Great)

It’s hard to imagine a fan audio drama being worthy of a slot in the actual television series. This story is one of them… after a fashion.

Blog Drinking the Tea of the Universe

Snowfall. Five of a kind. Robrana. Even a simple museum visit can be hazardous when the Doctor is involved. Is Miriam among friends or enemies? And what is the Oid?

Blog Strange Circle

The Doctor calls on Jim for a quick spin in the TARDIS, and soon they will have been about to have already embarked on an adventure that’s about to happen.

Podcast B050 The Operation Pandorica Blooper Reel

Reviews, bloopers and BTS of Operation Pandorica

Blog BTR Productions: The Invasion of The Daleks

What do you get when you combine an unfortunate name, a simple story and a bunch of concepts and clichés already used multiple times in Doctor Who proper? Well… honestly, something not altogether disastrous.

Blog Who Back When: Operation Pandorica — A Review

This is the one with the Bulldog’s danglees, a box that everyone wants into, a MILF of a Wilf, Dalek plunger action, a Monty Python mum, and lots of innuendos. This time they’re not laughing with you, they’re making you laugh. Here we go.