Thirteenth Doctor
Kyle Rath muses poetically about the State of the Whonion in the wilderness twixt Seasons 12 and 13
DrewBackWhen summarises why a more respectful, inclusive, and expansive dialogue between science and religion on Doctor Who benefits everyone.
In the follow-up to the Classic Dalek Story list, Trenton Bless ranks the best pepper-pots New Who has to offer
It’s about time, it’s about space. It’s about strange people in the strangest place
It’s about time, it’s about flight. Travelin’ faster than the speed of light
-Sherwood Schwartz, probably
This edition of “Worth It?” offers an in-depth review of the The Thirteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
Kyle Rath looks at Jodie Whittaker’s imminent arrival as the 13th Doctor, against the cultural backdrop of recent trends of toxic masculinity.
R is for the read-thru that keeps you in suspense.
E is for the eye-rolls at each run-on sentence .
GENERATION is for the groups of folks who grew up with this show,
and if I was a better poet this whole thing would rhyme.
The Doctor has regenerated fourteen times now. But out of all his TV Regenerations, which are the best of the best and which are not as good?