Doctor Who

Blog Chris McKeon: Endings

I see the end of an incarnation’s lifetime as when a writer has the most to use within the character to express full range of characteristics.

Blog Theta Sigma and the Order of the Prydonians

During the Gallifreyan holiday of Otherstide, secrets are revealing themselves. Who exactly is this “Theta Sigma”?

Blog Doctor Who Spinoffs: A Suggestion

Doctor Who has had a number of spinoffs, but have any of them truly captured the spirit of their big sister?

Blog Josh Snares: Holy Sh*t He Talked To Me

“After 9 years, I finally understood what people wanted to see.”

Blog For Your Consideration: Thirty-Eight Special

Kyle Rath muses poetically about the State of the Whonion in the wilderness twixt Seasons 12 and 13

Blog Parallel Universes: The Strange Symmetry of James Bond and Doctor Who

As the Doctor channels James Bond in Spyfall, Richard Tarrant looks at the curiously similar history of these cultural icons.

Blog For Your Consideration: Am I A Good Fan?

Kyle Rath deep-dives into what it means to be a Doctor Who fan with hopes and expectations when time is a scarce commodity.

Blog For Your Consideration: The Fifth Column

Behold! I stand at the door and knock!
Papa can you hear me?
Do you want to build a snowman?
Awww, everyone’s a critic….

Blog For Your Consideration: It’s About Time

It’s about time, it’s about space. It’s about strange people in the strangest place
It’s about time, it’s about flight. Travelin’ faster than the speed of light
-Sherwood Schwartz, probably

Blog Who Back When: Operation Pandorica — A Review

This is the one with the Bulldog’s danglees, a box that everyone wants into, a MILF of a Wilf, Dalek plunger action, a Monty Python mum, and lots of innuendos. This time they’re not laughing with you, they’re making you laugh. Here we go.