What-ho Podcastland,

Ecce our episode calendar! Here you can see what we have scheduled so far. Use the colour-coding or the arrow in the top-right of the calendar to distinguish between our Audio Who, Classic Who and New Who Reviews, as well as our Bonus Episodes.

If you so wish, you can even subscribe to our calendars using the public calendar codes below. These are split across our channels, so add one or all—whatever you want. We’re not the boss of you! :)

Disclaimer: This schedule is subject to potential changes along the way. We’re only human and we all have day jobs and personal lives that are similarly subject to their own respective calendars. Any changes will be reflected in this/these calendars. Thanks for your understanding! :)



To add our episode calendars to your own computer or mobile device, simply click the + button in the bottom-right corner of the calendar, or copy/paste the regular or iCal (e.g. for iPhones) public URLs below into your device.

Instructions to subscribe to a calendar…

  • … in Google can be found here
  • … on a Mac can be found here
  • … on an iPhone can be found here

Audio Who Reviews

Public URL:


Public URL in iCal format:


Classic Who Reviews

Public URL: 


Public URL in iCal format: 


New Who Reviews

Public URL: 


Public URL in iCal format:


Bonus Episodes

Public URL: 


Public URL in iCal format: 



If you haven't already... Subscribe now!

Subscribe to us on iTunes now! We're dropping a new episode every week (pretty much), reviewing Classic Who, New Who and all kinds of bonus stuff from spin-offs and conventions to Doctor Who comic books.