Got an opinion about Doctor Who? Awesome! Share it with us, and we might just share it with podcastland.

If you’ve heard Who Back When before, then this won’t be news to you. But for all you Who Back Newbies out there, check this out. At the end of each episode, we read out mini reviews submitted by our listeners. As in love with our own voices and opinions as we are – hehehe – we love hearing what our fellow Whovians think!

If you’re sending us a mini review, please keep it to 250 words, and we’ll gladly read the whole thing ‘on the air’, as it were. Anything longer than that, and we’ll be forced to truncate it. Don’t forget to include your rating on a scale from 0.0 to 5.0. And just to make things easier, please add the title of the episode or serial that you’re reviewing in the subject line.

And if you don’t want to submit a review, but just feel like telling us how much you love or hate Doctor Who and/or Who Back When, then that’s cool, too! We love hearing from you!

You can reach us via email: whobackwhen[at]

Please note that we may read your messages on the podcast, unless you ask us not to.

Messages about any Who Back When media production (audio/graphics/video/etc) or about this website are welcome, too, and will reach Leon (that’s me).

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N187 Empire of Death